Introduction to Static Site Generators

blazing fast apps and websites

You might be wondering

What are static sites?

A static site is...

Popular static sites generator%

  • -best website builder tool%

What is GatsbyJS?

Gatsby is a Javascript framework that can generate fast apps and websites.

  • -static site generator % It uses React.

It is a JAMstack tool.

JAMstack means Javacript, API, and Markup stack.

Advantages of JAMstack

  • -Lightning Speed. HTML is already available in the server for request. Better than CMS-based websites like WordPress because there will no need for database request to get a page.
  • -More Secure. You don't have to think about server or database vulnerabilities.
  • -Cheaper. Hosting for static sites are less expensive. There are even hosting services that offer to host them free.
  • -Scalablility. If you get many active visitors, the CDN can accomodate.

Why should I use Gatsby? %

  • -Speed! ...write something here... You want to dive in a comprehensive speed analysis? Go here[]
  • -Gatsby can be used to build a PWA using the latest technologies like GraphQL, ES6 Javascript, and React.
  • -Flexibility in design. Customizability. Uses React with a number of options for CSS frameworks/solutions.
  • -Safe and secure. Gatsby relies on GraphQL API. It is free from CMS vulnerabilities.
  • -Scalable. Your site instantly scales during traffic spikes.
  • -Get Content and Data from anywhere. Gatsby can pull content from different data sources and even from CMSs.
  • -Advanced. Feature-rich, robust. Uses techniques like lazy-loading,
  • -gatsby plugins%
  • -gatsby themes%
  • -gatsby starters%
  • -App like experience.
  • -Easy deployment.

Deep dive to Gatsby Greatness

React -> componentization, fast rendering, code stability, SEO,

  • -react static site%
  • -react with gatsby%
  • -SSR
  • -reach router%


  • -gatsbyjs drawbacks %
  • -


  • -gatsby website% Gatsby has proven their worth. It's trusted by big companies like Figma, Lamborghini [], Braun...

Mindblown about the things Gatsby could do? Ready to make a Gatsby website? Get in touch.

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